Social Responsability

How it started: It was born from the experience of parents of a boy with a rare disease, with a life expectancy of about a year, when he was only 11 months old. The boy is now 14 years old and is an example of perseverance and overcoming. What they do: They support children and young people with various levels of motor and intellectual disabilities through:
  • Visual Rehabilitation
  • Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Orthotics and Prosthetics
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy
  • Specialized Teaching
  • Online Consultations and Therapies and at Home
  • Specialized Training for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers
  • Inclusive Summer Camp
Location: They have a Therapeutic and Specialized Teaching Center located in Alvalade, Lisbon.
SOS Children’s Villages Portugal Belonging to a global federation (SOS Kinderdorf Int) that works to protect and care for children who have lost parental care. Annually, it supports more than 420 children and young people, as well as more than 180 families, through Alternative Care Programs (SOS Villages) and Family Strengthening Programs (FSP). SOS Villages (Bicesse, Guarda, Gulpilhares) The children live in a house, with a caregiver as a reference, and stay with their biological siblings in the protective environment of the Village. Family Strengthening Program It is an integrated intervention with the ultimate goal of preserving the child in their natural living environment. A family is for life… Continuous support for young people, even when they reach adulthood (continuation of studies, entry into the professional market, etc.) so that they can live independently.

Missão do Programa abem:

Garantir que todos os portugueses tenham acesso aos medicamentos que precisam.


Pessoas em situação de carência económica que não conseguem comprar os medicamentos prescritos.

Cartão abem:

A cada beneficiário é atribuído um cartão que lhe permite aceder aos medicamentos prescritos em qualquer farmácia do país, sem burocracias e com a dignidade que merece.

Programa abem (2016-2022):

Dispensed Medicines
Benefitted Families
How it started: It was born from the experience of parents of a boy with a rare disease, with a life expectancy of about a year, when he was only 11 months old. The boy is now 14 years old and is an example of perseverance and overcoming. What they do: They support children and young people with various levels of motor and intellectual disabilities through:
  • Visual Rehabilitation
  • Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Orthotics and Prosthetics
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy
  • Specialized Teaching
  • Online Consultations and Therapies and at Home
  • Specialized Training for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers
  • Inclusive Summer Camp
Location: They have a Therapeutic and Specialized Teaching Center located in Alvalade, Lisbon.